Test blog

Yes folks – after a couple of years with no blogging, I post this is all it’s glory… a test post only to see if people outside Vivaldi can read blogs. :p



4 Replies to “Test blog”

  1. So it’s visible to others. Apparently no-one can comment unless registered, though.

    I also have another weird problem which is that I can’t actually see this blog listed in my list of blogs! I have to go to the activity list to see that I created it. 🙁 Very odd…

  2. test comment handling , then , mossman. the current Mossman setting under that this comment is placed is = not signed in; -required email and name. nice to have practice with allow ,,, and ,,, Delete comment.
    signed ___ anonymous www outsider setting enabled

  3. Hello to Enfamil and i_ri – I hadn’t looked at the blog for months (but I am active on the Vivaldi forums) so I only just noticed that you had tried to post replies… they were marked as “awaiting spam moderation” – so I had to work out how to approve them!

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